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Prof Philip Booth - 'Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy'
The environment, free markets and Catholic social teaching | Prof. Dr. Philip Booth
Inaugural Lecture - Prof Philip Booth
CEME Podcast: Interview with Prof. Philip Booth
Prof Philip Booth - 'Verdict on the Crash: causes and policy implication'
Economic and ethical Implications of the Welfare State by Professor Philip Booth PhD
Can we build the common good with money? - Professor Philip Booth
Episode 053: The UK's NHS - Love It or Leave It? Dr. Philip Booth of IEA
Ethics and Efficacy of Test and Trace - Part 1: Prof. Philip Booth
Failure of Capitalism - Did Cronies kidnap the market or did it fail? by Professor Philip Booth PhD
Zeroing In with Professor Philip Booth
Philip Booth. The Family, the State and the Common Good